the lamp cast

The Lamp

In what seems to be the final days of their already strained marriage, Stanley and Lisa Walters (Jason London & Meredith Salenger) are presented with a strange gift – an old oil lamp

Along with the lamp comes a mysterious messenger (Louis Gossett Jr) and a statement that will cause them to search the depths of their hearts to find its truth.

All things are possible if you... Just Believe.

This powerful behind the scenes featurette intertwines interviews from the cast of Jason London, Meredith Salenger, L Scott Caldwell, Sarah Brown, Cameron ten Napel, Muse Watson and Louis Gossett Jr to tell the hopeful story behind the film and why it can help those who have lost a child or are looking at adoption and foster care.

Watch it, Want it, Winkit ;)

"A heaping helping of inspirational uplift for family audiences."

- Read the full review  

"...a much needed message of hope."

- Read the full interview

"entertaining and meaningful..."

- Read the full review

the lamp credits
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